More detailed, consumer credit contract, the particular form of contract, is an agreement, agreed on by the consumer as the debtor and the finance house or the seller as the creditor, that the creditor offers certain credit to the debtor. 文章认为,消费信用合同是合同的一种特殊形式,它是由消费者作为信用受予人和金融机构或销售商等信用授予人签订的由信用授予人授予消费者一定信用的协议。
Part Four centers upon the particular protection on consumers 'rights out of the consumer credit contract in the process of making agreement. 第四部分论述了在消费信用合同签订过程中对消费者权益的特殊保护问题。文章指出,在消费信用合同签订过程中,因对消费者个人信用情报的利用而可能产生损害消费者利益的现象。